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The HCC aims to provide education on key topics to clinicians within the North of England. Our medical and nursing education strategies have highlighted key areas for training, including emergency departments, general medical wards and haematology wards, local hospitals and GPs, to improve the wider care of people with a haemoglobinopathy.

Our aim is to improve patient care and experience in hospital settings through educating and training health care staff. We have developed a 4-pronged approach to deliver education as effectively and efficiently as possible across the region.

  1. Large-scale centralised (annual conferences, MDTs, and the lunch hour education series)
  2. Cascade education lead by HCC Nurse Educators
  3. Bespoke education – book here
  4. Educational resources (educational videos, powerpoint presentations etc)

If you are new to Haemoglobinopathy, check out our new to link on the right hand side panel.

Next Online Lunch Hour Session: TBC

Courses in Health Inequalities Programme – NHS England

The health Inequalities programme is designed to provide healthcare professionals with a better understanding of the differences in the care that people could receive and the opportunities that they have to lead healthy lives – both of which can contribute to their health status and outcomes.

Link to Sickle Cell Disease Course: Health Inequalities – elearning for healthcare (


Note: These sessions are aimed at NHS Care Professionals and therefore invites will only be sent to those with registered NHS email addresses.

HCC Online Education Videos

The HCC holds regular online lunch hour education sessions for haemoglobinopathy staff. These sessions are recorded and hosted on our YouTube account and embedded in the Education Video link to the right. Please note these videos are aimed at health care professionals for training purposes rather than the general public.


Blooducation hosts a number of educational podcasts for Haematologists.

Dr Shivan Pancham, Haematology Consultant at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust discusses management of sickle Cell Anaemia in two podcasts.

Dr Suzy Morton, Haematology Consultant in NHSBT, discusses patient blood management with a particular focus on blood transfusion. Click here to listen.

External Learning Opportunities

Cultural Wellbeing Programme and Training – Free accredited training

Provider: African and Caribbean Mental Health Services

Aim: To address the structural racial inequalities that exist in the provision of mental health services across Manchester and Trafford.

 If you would like to take part of this programme please contact:

For future dates check out their poster here